1. Introduction
1.1 This is the Constitution of the Hustlers skittles team (hereafter referred to as the Team). The Constitution can only be changed by the wishes of over 50% of signed-on players at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Team.
1.2. The Team plays in the Men’s Section of the Cheltenham Winter Skittles League. In accordance with decisions taken by Team members, it may also play in other non-interfering competitions but the provisions of this Constitution will not necessarily apply.
1.3. The Team plays its home matches at the London Inn on Monday nights. This should be confirmed annually with the pub landlord.
2. Governance
2.1. The Team is managed by a Committee which consists of a Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer; Captain and Vice-Captain; and Statistician. Each post is held for a year and incumbents are subject to re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Current incumbents are:
Chairman Andy
Secretary Andy
Treasurer Neil
Captain Neil
Vice Captain Rob
Statistician Lloyd
2.2. The Annual General Meeting is held as soon as practicable following the end of the league season. A quorum shall consist of at least 50% of the Team.
3. Team players and selection
3.1. The Team consists of 16 members, of whom 12 are selected to play in each game. When the Team drops below 16 players, new players may be sponsored by existing Team members and subjected to approval by team vote; if this cannot be implemented at AGM then a short EGM should be convened. Players whose work or personal commitments force them to drop out of the Team on a temporary basis, but who remain in general contact with the Team, will be re-admitted when their commitments allow.
3.2. Team selection, and positions within the Team, is made by the Captain (or by the vice-Captain in his absence), whose decision is final. The Captain is bound by the following rules:
3.2.1. Team selection for the first game of the season will be determined by the top 12 averages from the previous season.
3.2.2. Team selection for each subsequent game will first be chosen from those dropped from the previous game, supplemented by the highest scorers from the previous game. In the event of tied scores, positions will be determined by the players’ relative positions in the averages.
3.2.3. The Captain should ensure that, within his overall game strategy, players’ positions within the Team are rotated in a fair manner.
3.2.4. At the Captain’s discretion and with general approval, Team positions for the final game of the season may be made by lottery.
3.3. Team members who are not chosen to play are expected to turn up and support the team. They will also participate in Team duties such as raffle organisation and scoring.
3.4.Team members are expected to make themselves available for selection every week. Where a team member is absent due to sickness, employment duties and family commitments the team member shall return to the team as soon as they are available. Where team members do not attend for other reasons the Captain has discretion to return them to the team when they become available where the reason for absence is un-avoidable, or to drop them for one game where they are choosing to prioritise other activities.
3.5. All players should make every effort to be present at the start of the game and stay until the end. Players are expected to keep the Captain informed of late changes to availability and serious timing issues.
3.6. Players who transgress the above rules will be dropped for the following match.
3.7. Serious breaches of conduct may result in a player being asked to leave the Team. This will be discussed by the Committee at an EGM and the decision conveyed to the player by the Chairman.
4. Spares and Beavers
4.1. When a player scores a spare, he will receive 30p from each of the other playing members of the team (non-playing members may also donate, if they so choose). This figure may be reviewed annually and adjusted to reflect price rises.
4.2. If a player fails to convert a spare chance into a double-figures score, he will be awarded custody of the mascot (Mo the Meerkat). He will retain this mascot until the next player commits the same error. He is expected to wear the mascot on his person for the duration of each game.
4.3. If a player scores a beaver, he will be awarded custody of Barry the Brazilian beaver. He will retain this mascot until the next player commits the same error. He is expected to wear the mascot on his person for the duration of each game.
5. Fundraising
5.1. The Team will hold a raffle during each home game. The raffle will be organised by a member of that week’s bench as chosen by the captain. The captain will be responsible for ensuring that this duty is shared on a fair basis throughout the season. The organiser will attempt to sell 30 tickets at £1 each, thus raising £30. Of this total, £15 will be awarded to the winner of the raffle and the remaining £15 will be paid to the sticker. Exceptions to this will be during Charities Cup matches, when a collection shall be made instead. [This article is suspended for 2018/19].
5.2. Each playing member will pay an annual subscription, the amount to be agreed at the AGM, to be collected by the Treasurer.
6. Averages and Trophies
6.1. Averages will be maintained by the Team Statistician and shall form the basis for most of the Trophies awarded at the end of each season (see 5.4. for exception) Only regular season scores will count for the averages.
6.2. To achieve an average a player must have played at least half of the total games played by the team during that season (do we want to limit this to just League games?). Failure to achieve an average will result in the player(s) not being eligible for an end-of-season trophy
6.3. Current Trophies are:
6.3.1. Top score. A trophy engraved at team expense awarded to the player achieving the highest score of the current league season.
6.3.2. Top Average. A trophy engraved at team expense awarded to the player achieving the highest average of the current season (League only?).
6.3.3. Lowest score. A non-engraved trophy awarded to the player achieving the lowest score of the current season (League only?).
6.3.4. Lowest average. A non-engraved trophy awarded to the player achieving the lowest average of the current season (League only?).
6.3.5. First to 750 trophy. A trophy engraved at team expense awarded to the first player to score 750 pins in the season (League only?).
6.4. The Hustler of the Year Trophy is exceptional in not being based on averages. The winner of this Trophy shall be decided by secret ballot by all those present at the Team AGM.
7. Trip
7.1. A trip meeting is held as soon as practicable following the start of the league season. Participants on the trip will be subsidised by the Team to the extent agreed by the majority of players at the meeting, taking into account the advice of the Treasurer. Non-participants on the trip will not be eligible for payment in lieu of this subsidy. The trip organiser will endeavour to claim refunds for members who cancel following payment but this will be at the discretion of the operator and not at the expense of Team funds.
7.2. Eligible participants on the trip will include current Team members and their partners plus former players who still maintain links with the Team. Only current Team members will be eligible for subsidy